These activities are a quick easy way for children to start to learn about their personal safety. Using our Recognise, React, Report key words, children can do these activities unsupervised or supervised and kickstart the conversation about being safe.


Aimed at supporting
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Colour in Morky

Why not have a colouring in competition at your school?



Can you work out all of the words down and across?


Word Search

Can you find all hidden safety words in this word search?


Bruce's Cat Tale

Prep to Year 2

Bruce shares a narrative of a cat being chased by a dog. He outlines the cat’s physical reaction – such as fur standing up and hissing. This tale provides a creative and one-step removed way to unpack body clues for children. Video length 7.02min.

Videos / Activities

Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson

Prep to Year 2

Bruce and Denise Morcombe will share strategies for students in year 3 to 6 to help promote safety. How to Recognise, React and Report unsafe situations. Video length 18.15min.


Child Safety Chatterbox

A fun take home game that children can play with their safety network.