Thank you for registering your workplace for Day for Daniel
Get red, RED, ready for Day for Daniel 2024!
Day for Daniel is Australia’s largest child safety event of its kind.
It’s held in schools, workplaces, early childhood centres and public and private events all across the nation. Most commonly held on the last Friday each October, but you can plan and hold your own Day for Daniel event at any time.
Below are a range of resources to help you plan and promote your event.
Interactive Resource / Resources for teachers / School & ELC Resources

Wobbly Jelly
Short Safety Video
Day for Daniel Video Animation
Short video clip all about Day for Daniel - perfect to play at school assemblies.
Length 30sec
Interactive Resource / Recognise, React, Report

Recognise - My body clues
Interactive Resource / Recognise, React, Report

Report - Safety hand activity
School & ELC Resources

Poster for Schools and Early Learning Centres
Add the details for your event at your school or early learning centre
Workplace Resources

Poster for businesses, workplaces and community groups
Add the details for your event at business, workplace or community group!
Social Media

Social Media
Use these graphics on social media, newsletters and your website and don’t forget to tag Daniel Morcombe Foundation #DayforDaniel #KeepingKidsSafe
School & ELC Resources / Workplace Resources

Event Guidelines
Event guidelines to help you plan your public or private event
Resources for Parents and Carers / Resources for teachers / Factsheet

Commonly asked questions about Day for Daniel
Interactive Resource / Resources for teachers / School & ELC Resources

Bunting flags
Write or draw your own safety messages, cut out and display at home or school.
Interactive Resource / Resources for teachers / School & ELC Resources

Word Search
Can you find all hidden safety words in this word search?
Interactive Resource / Resources for teachers / School & ELC Resources

Can you work out all of the words down and across?
Interactive Resource / Resources for teachers / School & ELC Resources

Colour in Morky
Why not have a colouring in competition at your school?
Personal Safety / Recognise, React, Report / School & ELC Resources

Day for Daniel
2024 Poster
Download and print the poster to promote Day for Daniel
Interactive Resource / Recognise, React, Report / School & ELC Resources

Child Safety Chatterbox
A fun take home game that children can play with their safety network.